Cultivated Archives: Swim Coach Race Pace Training Exchange


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This website,, harbors a closed group of validated members  of the Swim Coach Race Pace Training Exchange. The members can freely opt-into this group by gaining entry with a super-short prerequisite course and quiz.

Selected archives of the Facebook group are able to be distilled into summary postings and re-positioned here.

  • No admission fees are charged.
  • This web-based archives are presented as a free-flowing course. You navigate to various lessons as desired without needing to go in a prescribed order.
  • The lion's share of the discussions from the Facebook group should remain on the Facebook group.
  • This service exists, in part, to make the valued content and archives more robust. Archives present a structural weakness of the Facebook platform.
  • The web space and bandwidth for this archive collection is provided by ISCA. However, ISCA membership and the ISCA Members Library are completely different services.
Drinking from a fire plug

The flow of information on various Facebook Swim Coach Groups is so extensive, it can be like trying to take a drink of water from a fire plug.

  • Of course, key content and discussions from the past and present can be edited and migrated here for others see. All help is appreciated in this open-source effort. As you notice ideas and discussions with long-term appeal, refine them and repost here.
  • Hopefully the presentation of ideas in this collection make it easier for coaches to deploy them within their own programs.
  • Report back on your successes, and failures. Sustain the conversations. Cross-link when appropriate. Add to the threads in the Facebook group, and, make a mention of the links to the refined, summary lessons here as well.

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