by Mark Rauterkus
After walking into a new position at a local high school as the head swim coach for the varsity team, this happened. The practices began in the middle of November with students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. The girls squad went from a top 10 squad to second in the district while winning all of its dual meets. A senior boy set a state record too.
The fastest swimmers on the team also swam on club teams, including the JCC Sailfish, Team Pittsburgh and PAYS (Plum Area YMCA Swimmers). The PAYS swimmers attended the high school practices full-time while the JCC and Pitt swimmers generally went to club workouts once or twice a week.

Many years later, the former coach jumps into a post-meet photo with the Plum swimmers.

Vintage Practice Log
Thursday, Nov. 21
Announcements:Caps, Forms, Library,
Sat Swim: 8-10 am, divers 9:30-11:00
Saturday is PulsePlots need percentages
Make the team, stay on the team
Attendance rules
Parent/Coach meeting to be Dec. 2 at 7:00 pm.
Line-ups to be due, Dec. 2 before practice, posted Dec. 3
AM practice starts for one practice on Dec. 4, 5, or 6!
Swim practice on Dec. 6 before we go to the meet.
Water intake in the day is 8 cups or more.
Water needed poolside, filled before 2:30.
Reading a workout in sets x # @
10 x Right Leg Lunges, then left
10 x right leg toe raises, then left
10 x Right heel touches, then left
10 x Right leg squat, then left
20 x Mountain Climbers
Enter back door and crab walk to other door twice.
Pull easy freestyle, breathing every 3rd arm recovery until coach stops team.
400 + 1 min break
4 x 100 on 10 sec. rest + 1 min break
4 x 50 on 10 sec rest
Pull continuous freestyle with ladder breathing from 1-10 + 10-1 = 20 laps total.
First length, breath every 1 arm recovery
Second length, breath every 2 arm recovery
Third, etc. up to ten, then ten again, then down to on.
If necessary, you may do an open turn and take a breath without that counting as a stroke to stay on track.
3 x (3 x 200) on 1 min rest or next 60 to get time.
Improve by 15 seconds on each in set.
example: #1 = 3:30, #2 = 3:15, #3 = 3:00
Swim set #1, Pull Set #2, Swim IM #3;
Odd #s = Turnover tempo from blocks, and even # is stroke counts/dps
10 x Right Leg Lunges, then left
10 x right leg toe raises, then left
10 x Right heel touches, then left
10 x Right leg squat, then left
20 x Mountain Climbers
Friday, Nov. 22
Announcements:First Grade items need attention! - Plum 50 example
Yesterday’s Major accomplishment on stroke count Women = 9
Last year WPIAL results discussion
Do you see what I see?
Caps, Forms, Library, Water
Sat Swim: 8-10 am, divers 9:30-11:00
Saturday is PulsePlots need percentages
Make the team, stay on the team
Attendance rules
Parent/Coach meeting to be Dec. 2 at 7:00 pm.
Line-ups to be due, Dec. 2 before practice, posted Dec. 3
AM practice starts for one practice on Dec. 4, 5, or 6!
Swim practice on Dec. 6 before we go to the meet.
Ballistic Arm Swim Routine
Strudy Leg Series
2 laps around pool crab walk. One is forward, second is backward.
Poolside, single-leg, 6 second, partner resistance, Positive/Negative Hand 2 foot exercises.
Group #1 does:
Lane-line leap overs for 2 minutes timed!
Use Press-ups to exit
Use bottom of pool or kicking to get back to edge of pool.
Group #2 counts for #1.
Group #3:
Flag-touch flip turns for 2 minutes timed!
No breath. Must jump to hit sagging flags.
Group #4 counts for #3.
Lane 1 & 2 = 300 + 3 x 100 + 2 x 50
Lane 6 = 200 + 2 x 100 + 2 x 50
Jan-Feb-March-April-May-June babies vs others for 25 yards in lane #1 and other group in lane #6.
Birth date of 1-14 vs others in 25.
Upperclass vs Lowerclass in 50
Juniors/Soph vs others in 75
getting time every swim!
V @ :45
Others on 1:00
Breast or back body positions/Head or feet first/Overhead, shoulder or hips hands/Lateral or vertical hand direction.
4 variables:
body position (on back or on breast)
hand position (over head, at shoulders at hips)
sweeping motion (lateral or vertical)
direction (feet or head first)
11/23/91 & 11/30/91 & 12/7/91 & 12/21/91 & 1/11/91 & 1/20/91 & 2/1/91 & 2/8/91 & 2/22/91 -
Plum 50
1 min rest +
S,W4/V3/JV2 x 100 @ 10 sec. rest +
1 min. rest +
S,W,V4/JV2 x 50 @ 10 sec. rest.
* Move out of lane #1 and lane #6 for next set now.
Do one set of each stroke
8 x 100 @ 4:30 Primary Stroke - Swim Steady Speeds and Even Splits Please
Percentage Effort:
#1 = 70%
#2 = 80%
#3 = 90%
#4 = 100%
#5 = 100%
#6 = 90%
#7 = 80%
#8 = 70%
Heart Rate counted three times
Immediately after finishing for 10 seconds = :00-:10
:30 after finishing for 10 seconds = :30-:40
1:00 after finishing for 10 seconds = :60-:70.
We want the swimming time and the cumulative heart rates!
S = 500 + 400 + 300 + 200 + 100 + 50
W & V = 400 + 300 + 200 + 100
JV = 300 + 200 + 100 + 50
N = 200 + 100 + 50 + 4 x 25
(:00-:10 + :30-:40 + :60-:70)
Monday Nov. 25
Arm Swings Exercises
Run Around the building 2 timesSwitch 10 front, 10 back, 10 hop, 10 front, 10 back.
All kicking is with 10 fingers in the air, all resting with hands in water
Kick 4 sets with one set of each stroke (fly, back, breast, free)
(4 x 1:00) = 16 minutes total
JV :30 on and :30 rest
Varsity 40 on and 20 rest
WPIAL 45 on and 15 rest
State 50 on and 10 rest
#1 is breathing Plum Style throughout
#2 is Stroke count on all odd# lengths (under 14) and
even # lengths is some other stroke drill such as
catch-up, arm-pit, thumb on head, cross-over touch back, finish up, or other stroke drills.
Swim Some Practice Relay takeoffs
Do a couple of catch-up relays
S=regular IM with last length fly/Jay=50 breast
IF JV=100IM + 2 flip turns at finish!
Tues. Nov. 26
arm swing exercises,walk around pool x 4 (heels, toes, heel/toe, toe/heel)
Sturdy leg routine
Running dive off of board, streamline entry, kick to other end, press-ups in walking style along finish end of pool, crab-walk 25 yards, kick along wall for 1 min with arms straight sliding from under boards to other side, 10 x backward press-ups, get your pulse, get in line for board and repeat.
10 x 50 kick on 10 sec rest
10 x 50 pull on 10 sec rest
2 x (6 x 125 @ 2:10) Odd lengths stroke, even free
Pull reverse IMs, turnover tempo kicking,
full-body fly kicking turnover tempo for 10 kicks,
Turnover Tempo IM’s start with 5 full body fly kicks, 10 strokes fly, 10 back, 10 breast, 10 free.
Same as above but chicken stroke IMs with the exception of breast.
DPS swims
Swim fast feet and DPS/Stroke count free.
Coach Mark’s Business Phone (call anytime)
Thursday Nov. 28
Swim 8-10:00 and 2:30-5:00
Dive 8-noon
Swim 8-10:00 and 2:30-5:00 — Pulse Plots!
Dive 8-noon
Swim 8-10:00 and 2:30-5:00
Dive 8-noon
Swim: 6:00-6:45 AM and 2:30-5:00
Swim and Dive: 2:30-5:00
Parents of all: 7:00-8:30
Swim & Dive 2:30-5:00
After school, all team goes home and EATS.
Arrive at school to swim or dive practice at 4:00-5:00 PM
Exit pool and Dress and snack on some fruit and bread and juice from 5:00-5:20.
Bus leaves for Penn Hills at 5:20!
Swim and Dive: 7:00-9:00 PM
Wed. Nov. 27
Kick 400 IM with a board
Off of blocks, jump to drooping backstroke flags.
Coach used shepard’s crook to pull them in closer to the wall so that all the swimmer’s had a chance of touching.
Bigger guys were in outside lanes
Did 10-12 jumps total
#1-3 on your own
#4-6 try harder and go from a grab start
#7-9 from a starter’s command
#10-11 on a relay start fashion in your lanes.
2 points for finishing first and 1 point for each person in your lane that touches the flag on his or her jump.
Swim 500 free Plum style again as there were people breathing in the blue zones.
18 x 100’s on 1:40 without a break
#1-6 Fly
#7-12 Back
#13-18 Breast
State swimmer does 2 extra flip turns
Varsity does 75s, not 100s
JV does 50s
Easy 50 and switch lanes.
Finish drills races in heats
Start at ladder and go out the pool in 8 steps freestyle
Start in middle of pool and come in in different strokes
Swim to finish from under the flags free calling the looser in each heat out of the water to help judge/elimination style.
Talked to the team about the holiday schedule.
Nov. 30, 1991
2 minutes of lane line jumps
Working on hand speed
6 x 50 breast
Working on heel and timing of arms and feet
#1 Swim Plum Style
#2 Pull B + Paddles breathing every 3 or 5
#4 Swim faster than #1, with stroke count every 4th length
10 press-ups back
10 press-ups front
December 2, 1991
Descending means the last one is the fastest one.
Get your times!
Monday PM
December 2, 1991
10 x 50 of your second best stroke on Coaches Send off
10 x 75 of your best stroke on 1:10
1 length fly, 2 lengths back, 3 lengths breast, 4 lengths free
Fly, Free, Back, Free, Breast, Free, Free, Free
S,W @ 3:10/V @ 3:45/JV @ 4:10
You get to skip the one stroke of your choosing.
S,W @ 2:20/V @ 3:05/JV @ 3:30
10 press-ups
Parents, 7:00-8:30 on Wed. at the pool meeting with Coach Mark
AM practice tomorrow
Starting time 6:00 am
December 3, 1991
(Swimmers who can not make the send-off interval should swim two and skip one and do as many as possible.)
#1-10 is without any breath on first half of first length using a streamline push-off and long underwater kick
#11-20 is without any breath on last half of last length using a dramatic finish into the wall at the end of the race
#21-30 is a combination of both above. No breathing first half of first length or last half of last length.
• Swim easy 600 breastroke or
• Pull 400 breastroke with fly kick with pull b. or
• Swim 800 backstroke with every 4th length as double-arm or
• Swim 1000 yards alternating every length with fly/free/fly/free, etc.
4 x 25 fly with no breath resting only as long as necessary.
Long underwater push-off, streamlined, kicking fast!
Tuesday PM
Talked about attendance, and Meet line-up
Did a lot of freestyle stroke drills in practice
Arm Swings
Finished Eligibility forms with swimmers stretching
400, 4 x 100, 4 x 50
V, 8 x 200 free on 3:30
JV 100 stroke easy + 2 x 25 free fast
20 press-ups on your own
Sturdy leg exercises
Partner Poolside leg exercises
USS Swimmers beginning taper:
put in lane lines
talk about to teach 2 cheers.
Plum 50
400 + 4 x 100 + 4 x 50
The swimmers do a 100, slow person first, faster person starts in the same lane (lane #2) when the other is at the flip turn. The rest of the team is in the water in lanes #1 and #3 with kick boards making waves into the swimmers’ path. Swim fast and stay calm. Fast swimmer tries to get to the slow swimmer’s feet before the race ends.
Strategy for swimming first with a head-start.
4 x 100 breaststroke
4 x 100 fly
#1-10 Fast start
#11-20 Fast finish
#21-30 DPS/finish-up
#31-40 turn-over tempo
#41-50 building (either legs, tempo, dps, effort)
This is our first! We’re ’bout to Burst!
Against Penn Hills! We promise thrills!
Everyone else:
Stop and get your time with 50 yards to go so that you can better it in the next swim.
Stop and get your time with 50 yards to go so that you can better it in the next swim.
Stop and get your time with 50 yards to go so that you can better it in the next swim.
We lost big time.
Announcements regarding books on demand in Taiwan and Speaking engagements in Northern California and NISCA.
Handed out written copies of my speech and practice schedule.
30 x arm swing exercise routine - bring in milk jugs!
Did new shuffle. Jump up stairs on one foot, to next floor balcony, jump along wall in streamline hands touching every crack, at half way, jump up steps in power motion, continue along wall jumping streamline touching every crack, walk down stairs, on pool deck put feet on blue benches and walk with hands on deck for 25 yards, crab walk around pool one time, start again.
Did this three times.
Lane lines,
Plum 50
Did about 40 minutes of triple 50s working on free turns
Talked about taking a fast final stroke, up the fronts with hands on the turn, and stopping swimming well before the Wall, like at the T, as well as long push off with head past the flags, and using a pole on the bottom of the pool for visual marker under flags. Head must past pole before hands can separate.
Kick 6 x 150 on 3:15
S 8 x 25 fly on :35
S 12 x 25 fly on :35
15 x Sturdy Leg Exercises
10 x short shuffle - jump up stairs on one leg switching at half way, run to mid-pool, walk down 6 steps, double leg jumps up the steps to the wall, streamline jumps to end of pool, walk down stairs, push-up hand walk along the blue bench to the end of the pool.
The first 50 and the last 50 have to be the same time, or the last 50 has to be faster by :01.
10 back press-ups
15 arm swings (only 3 with jugs)
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1991
10 reps each:
Trunk Twists
Triceps Extensions
Bent over Flies
RA Forward, LA Forward
RA Back, LA Back
Up the sides, up the front, horizontals
Opposites, Opposite-Opposites
Trunk Twists
Triceps Extensions
Bent over Flies
Kneeling position
Wrist & Forearm: 6 different motions (10 x each)
Give up the jugs
Forearm stretch with flat palm and fingers to knees
Resume normal leg stretches
Figure 4 for legs,
Cross over figure 4
Kneeling lay back
Foot spins
Partner Poolside Leg exercises
Sturdy Leg Series 15 reps again
Kick 10 x 25 chin ups on coach’s sendoff
#1 is pull catch-up
#2 is pull thumb on head
#3 is swim finish up
#4 is swim Plum Style
No Pads, just P.B.
JV start at 300s and start back up the scale if done early
Swim 22 x S125/W100/V75/JV50+75 on 1:25 no break
Wed. Dec. 18
12 reps.
Up and Overs
Knee to ear
Heel in bum and to Rockers
10 bent leg sit ups hands behind head
10 straight leg sit ups hands over head
10 Pike sit-ups hands over head
10 crunch sit ups hands behind head
10 elbow cross sit-ups hands behind head
10 sit-ups, limited distance, first 5 inches
10 sit-ups, limited distance, last 5 inches
10 sit-ups, limited distance, middle 5 inches
10 Reverse sit-ups (Cobra sit-ups)
10 Rattlesnake leg lifts
10 times per sit up and do 10 sit-ups regular
10 times per sit up and do 10 sit-ups reverse
with hands under bottom for :30.
10 with bottom against gutter and arm straight over head
10 with legs extended and bottom away from gutter
10 with arms streamlined and stomach against gutter
Backstroke drills 5 x 50s
Breats drills 5 x 50s
fly drills 5 x 50s
Breathing every 3rd on all
Pull #1,2,3
Swim 4, 5
4 x 25 dps
4 x 25 turnover tempo
300 Pull with PB and pads
1 rep of 2nd generation arm swings without leg stretches
300 Kick
2 reps of 2nd generation arm swings without leg stretches
300 IM
3 reps of 2nd generation arm swings without leg stretches
300 Stroke
2 rep of 2nd generation arm swings without leg stretches for time
10 x 25 kick on :20
2 reps of 2nd generation arm swings without leg stretches for time (record around 45 seconds)
bus departure at 2:50
Up and Overs
Knee to ear
Heel in bum and to Rockers
10 bent leg sit ups hands behind head
10 straight leg sit ups hands over head
10 Pike sit-ups hands over head
10 crunch sit ups hands behind head
10 elbow cross sit-ups hands behind head
10 sit-ups, limited distance, first 5 inches
10 sit-ups, limited distance, last 5 inches
10 sit-ups, limited distance, middle 5 inches
10 Reverse sit-ups (Cobra sit-ups)
10 Rattlesnake leg lifts
10 times per sit up and do 10 sit-ups regular
10 times per sit up and do 10 sit-ups reverse
with hands under bottom for :30.
10 with bottom against gutter and arm straight over head
10 with legs extended and bottom away from gutter
10 with arms streamlined and stomach against gutter
Mid Section Work did each series
20 x partner pull 25’s on :50 Freestyle switching every 25
We want WPIAL girls under 2:15 on all 4
We want V guys under 2:20 on all 4
We want JV to do 150’s under 2:15
We want WPIAL girls under 2:15 on all 4
We want V guys under 2:20 on all 4
We want JV to do 150’s under 2:15
We want WPIAL girls under 2:15 on all 4
We want V guys under 2:20 on all 4
We want JV to do 150’s under 2:15
same as above or better
Saturday Dec. 20, 1991 - did pulse plots
Monday, AM Dec. 22, 1991
Ran a circuit for 30 minutes:
hop up stairs to stands on one leg, run 15 yards to mid of bleachers, hop up 10 steps with both feet, run 15 yards, walk down stairs, run along side of pool and other end, walk on hands with feet on top of bench for 20 yards, run along end of pool, 10 arm swings with milk jugs, 10 fast sit-ups.
#1-10 catch-up
#11-20 finish up
#21-30 Plum style
T30 (Swim 30 minutes aerobic and count lengths. Ok to switch lanes at turns but no stopping even when passing and being passed.)
#1-10 fly
#11-30 breast
Up and Overs
Knee to ear
Heel in bum and to Rockers
Mid Section Stretching Routine
400 leg lifts for mid-section on coaches instructions
Mid Section Stretching routine
[50 free getting time + 2 x 75 IM + 50 free for time better than the first 50] + kick 100 stroke @ 8:00
ladder, 1-6-6-1 by 25’s
10 x 400 + 25’s. (the quantity of the 25’s is related to the # of 400’s completed)
400’s @ 6:00 keeping the time under 5:00 if possible.
25’s @ :30
5 x
First set pull, second is back, third is breast, fourth is fly, fifth is kick
Friday, Dec. 27, 1991
6 laps of pool walking only on heels
6 laps of pool walking only on toes
6 laps of pool skipping
6 laps of our figure 8 shuffle
1 min, + 2 min, + 3 min of lane line jump overs
1 min + 2 min + 3 min of flag touch flip turns
Dec. 28, 1991
Mid-section stretching routine
50 reverse sit-ups in 1 minute, = 25 lifting chest + 25 lifting feet
Mid-section stretching routine
2 laps around the bleachers, one is on outside of feet, other on inside of feet.
1. Yoga
2. Ballistic
3. Full Range of Motion
4. Passive while the partner stretches you - dorsal fins
5. Active while partner holds you - hold feet down.
6. Stretch and isometric contraction
7. Stretch and positive motion against partner’s resistance.
8. Body weight stretching, (walking on feet, backwards press-ups)
in stretching and in activities
Hamstring with contractions for 5 seconds in isometric position.
Hold feet down
Heel in bumb
Butterfly Blockers
Partner sit-ups, called diamonds
Ankle & Calf & Shin partner resistance
wall lean
breastroke sit
Towel over foot. - done at the pm - largest muscles in body
make the last 15 seconds the fastest
hold your arms straight
Vertical kicking 5 x 1 min on and :30 off fly
Switch people after each 10
Breathing 4 times or less per 25.
This is a sprinting exercise!
Swim 4 x 25’s @ :30 getting your time and swimming at good pace. Afterwards, figure out your average time. Average time = pace time.
Swim 4 x 25 @ :40 from a dive beating your average time
end repeat.
20 press-ups
10 x (3 reps of sturdy leg series)
Monday, Dec. 30, 1991
2 laps crabwalk
Warm up:
No rest between sets: 500 Pull Free breathing every 3rd + 100 Kick + 500 Back or Breast
(Double 25 + Triple 50 + Quad 75 + Quint 100)
@ 30; @ 1:00; @ 1:30; @ 2:00.
(25 fly with 1 breath @ :30 + 25 free with 2 breaths finishing with a turn at the end and 3 arm recoveries @ :30)
2 x 25 + 200 @ 3:15
2 x 25 + 150 @ 2:15
2 x 25 + 100 @ 1:15
Timed Milk Jug Routine with 5 reps
4 x timed creeps along the blue bench. hands on floor and feet on bench
20 x 50s stroke drills on coaches sendoff
Kick 800 with last 50 of each 200 without a board
20 x 25 @ 25 stroke
4 x 100 IM in Reverse Swimming fashion, i.e. feet first (no break)
100 + 200 + 300 + 200 +100
@ 2:00; @ 4:00 @ 6:00 @ 4:00 @ 200
10 press-ups
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1991
Easy Stretching
Jog around pool 8 times
Walk around pool backwards on heels swinging milk jugs 15 times.
Team Talk:
Why do milk jugs
Shoulder harmony-injury prevention
Splitting a race when you are sore and fatigued from long practices
audio tape coaching at the next meets
AM practices coming up
#1 Free, #2 Stroke, #3 IM
First length of each set was turnover tempo
Last length of each set was stroke count
3 x relay talk off
3 x running dive 25 swim
3 x backstroke start
300 Kick without a board +
300 catch-up freestyle +
300 one arm swimming with non-swimming arm at side rolling shoulder
300 Thumb on head, Zig-Zag 5, Finish-up
@ :05 seconds rest between the 50 and 25 and take :25 seconds rest between the 25 and 50.
Do all the 50s the same stroke and not freestyle.
Do all the 25s the same stoke, but not the same as the 50s.
If you are a FREESTYLE specialist, do the 50’s of some stroke other than free, but do the 25’s freestyle if you want, but free 25’s must be stroke count at12 or less and NO BREATH.
Come down to the pool right after the 2:15 bell.
Get the pool area prepared for the meet.
Do 10 arm swings and some stretching.
Be in the water with our standard meet warm-up no later than 2:30 pm.
We will warm-up and work out until the other team arries and gets ready to enter the pool.
400 + 1 min rest + 4 x 100 @ :10 seconds rest + 1 min. rest + 4 x 50 on :10 seconds rest. All is choice.
After warm-ups we will do 15 press-ups, 10 sturdy leg series, 10 more arm-swings.
review entries
talk to Mark and Susan before and after each event.
Listen to the audio tape after each event in the team room.
Do 200 sit-ups on your own sometime during the meet.
At the break in the meet, we as a team, will all swim 10 x 50 on :50, with JVs doing 8 x 50 on 1:10. Be ready to jump into the water as soon as the boys event is completed.
Figure 8 running around pool x 6
500 swim drills, 500 kick, 500 pull
12 x 75’s on 1:15
12 x 50 from block, all out.
Alternate Plum style 50s and stroke
200 Easy swim
10 press ups
More milk jugs
Lay on stomach, 30 x up the side
Lay on back, 30 x up the front
Lay on stomach, take one jug around the body 15 x one direction + 15 other direction.
Lay on back, 30 x rotator cuff with elbows on floor
Lay on stomach,
15 x big wings with lid on floor + 15 with bottom of jug on floor
15 x lift in front with lid on floor + 15 with bottom of jug on floor
15 x lift at finish-up position with lid on floor + 15 with bottom of jug on floor
Standing, do 100 back with milk jugs, including dive jumps in streamline
Standing, do 100 breast with milk jugs, including dive jumps in streamline
Standing, do 100 fly with milk jugs, including dive jumps in streamline
50 free from blocks swim as far as possible no breath
400 kick (200 fly or free + 200 breast on back with board on knees keeping knees close and under water surface)
50 kick from blocks as far as possible without breath
200 swim any stroke drill
50 free from blocks swim as far as possible no breath
200 kick
50 kick from blocks as far as possible no breath- getting your time
100 one arm free switching arms each 25
50 free from blocks swim as long as possible no breath, getting time
100 kick no breath
50 kick from blocks as long as possible no breath
4 x
1 length easy + 1 length hard sprint free holding breath
2 length2 easy + 1 length hard sprint free holding breath
3 lengths easy + 1 length hard sprint free holding breath
4 length easy + 1 length hard sprint free holding breath
The last 20 seconds rest are underwater
Wed. Jan. 8, 1992
Stretch easy on your own
first 100 stroke drill
Kick 10 x 25 chin-up
S,W,V3/JV2 x 100 on S,W1:10/V1:20/JV1:30 +
S,W,V2/JV1 x 50 on S,W,V:35/JV1:00
S,W,V3/JV2 x 100 on S,W1:10/V1:20/JV1:30 +
S,W,V2/JV1 x 50 on S,W,V:35/JV1:00
S,W,V3/JV2 x 100 on S,W1:10/V1:20/JV1:30 +
S,W,V2/JV1 x 50 on S,W,V:35/JV1:00
S,W,V3/JV2 x 100 on S,W1:10/V1:20/JV1:30 +
S,W,V2/JV1 x 50 on S,W,V:35/JV1:00
S,W,V3/JV2 x 100 on S,W1:10/V1:20/JV1:30 +
S,W,V2/JV1 x 50 on S,W,V:35/JV1:00
Kids went to JCCS
We had no meet vs. Burrell
Easy 600 Pulling, do backstroke if Back or IM swimmer
5 x lane line touches x 2
2 x (4 x 25’s reverse swimming IM)
16 x 200 @ 2:40 break at 8
#1 do first 25 stroke, #2 do second 25 stroke, #3 thrird, etc.
easy 200 warm-down in one lane
Challenged them to a 100 yard reverse Medley Relay Swim and won.
After, went to SSS to do the meet program and have pizza.
Aerobic runs and leg exercises
Plum 50
30 x 25 back on :30
swim, swim, drill
chalk talk on backstroke
4 x 100 for beauty,
5 x 75 for descending or building making each length different
6 x 50 for pace like a race
chalk talk for breastroke
4 x 100 for beauty,
5 x 75 for decending or building making each length different
6 x 50 for pace like a race
chalk talk for fly
4 x 100 for beauty,
5 x 75 for descending or building making each length different
6 x 50 for pace like a race
500 Backstroke with middle 100 as double arm drill
500 Kick Breastroke with middle 100 on back
12 x 100 @ 1:30
Odd # Pull
Even # IM Descending
500 Backstroke with middle 100 as double arm drill
500 Kick Breast with middle 100 on back
Stress a different stroke on each one.
#1 fast fly, #2 fast back, #3 fast breast, #4 fast free
#5-#8 is Descending, #9 & #10 are Negative split each stroke.
Monday AM 1-20-92
MLK day, no school swim 7-11 am
300 free, 250 kick, 200 no free
3 x 200 descending on :30 rest
5 x 100 on :20 seconds rest broken swim getting time.
30 x 25 back
chalk talk on back
4 x 100 back, 4 x 75 back, 4 x 50 back
30 x 25 breast or fly
warm-up change:
20 x 50 @ :55 IM order
Kick/Swim your best stroke and free, S/S other two
3 x 200 descending
150 easy warm-down in one lane.
Weird, Winning isn’t normal
Goals on Technique
Goals on Team Performance
Goals on Individual Performance, times
Did some one-on-one talking.
Is this not the swimming pool
Ready or not here we come.
Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie, There goes Plum Swimming By.
5 x 125 @ 2:00 Free with an extra flip turn in shallow end
5 x 125 @ 2:00 Best stroke, Breast do 100’s
5 x 125 @ 2:00 IM style, can skip weakest stroke
10 press-ups
6 x milk jugs
Easy leg stretches
4 x 75 @ 1:30
10 x milk jugs for the first 3 exercises
4 x 75 @ 1:25
10 x milk jugs for the next 5 exercises
4 x 75 @ 1:20
10 x milk jugs for the first 2 exercises
4 x 75 @ 1:15
Milk jugs for wrists
4 x 75 @ 1:10
10 partner pool side sit ups in 3 styles
4 x 75 @ 1:00
15 front press ups
4 x 75 @ :55
15 back press ups
4 x 75 @ 50
4 x 75 @ :45
of best stroke
#1 is build
#2 is even/odd easy/fast
#3 is speedy
did starts for video camera and underwater window inspection.
Hold feet down
Heel in bum
Hamstring stretch, passive
Butterfly stretch
Hamstring stretch, active
400 backstroke
300 free drills
200 kick alt. chin up and on back
100 kick alt chin up and kick on back
100 for time off blocks
500 pull
100 for time off block
400 dps stroke count
100 for time off blocks
300 one arm
100 for time off blocks
200 sculling
100 for time off blocks
15 press ups front + 15 press ups back
Plum 50
Pull 800 (first 400 back + 400 choice drills)
1 x 800 either in 200 IM order or all 800 of one stroke
(wanted to do 200 instead of 50)
Partner leg stretching exercises
500 backstroke
25 x 25 @ :25
#1 dps, #2 head-up, #4 hard kick, #5 no breath
3 x (100 @ 1:30 + 200 @ 3:00 + 300 @ 4:30) + break for 2 min.
did not want break but swimmers needed it.
looking quite worn down
wanted 300 as fast as 100
wanted last set faster than other sets
106, 2:12, 3:18
104, 208, 3:12
102, 204, 306
Kick 300, 200, 100 @ :20 ri
Pull 300, 200, 100 @ :20 RI
mainly 1:45, 3:30, 5:00
10 press ups front
10 press ups back
Saturday AM
including 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 of stroke
4 x 25 pull reverse
500 free pull
4 x 25 pull reverse
500 free pull
4 x 25 pull reverse
500 free swim
4 x 25 pull
500 kick with middle 100 on back
4 x 200 IM all continuous or stroke
20 x 150 in sets of 5
#1-5 @ fast interval (1:50 or 2:00 or 2:10) with hard kick in the blue zone
#6-10 @ 2:30 broken at 75 for 5 seconds
#11-15 @ 2:15
#11-20 @ 3:00 broken at 100
20 x 25 from a dive for time.
easy 1000.
put press-ups between each exercise
Meet at IUP vs. Indiana
We went a great girls 200 free relay, 1:41. new school record
Susan Beatty did a 5:19.2 500 free
Did milk jugs for 5 reps
Did stretchie routine, still building into the whole list
one arm horizontals
Up the sides to T
One arm up like backstroke
Down the sides
One arm down the sides
Rotator cuff, high anchor
Rotator cuff, low anchor
Put handle in between each exercise.
300 + 200 + 100 Pull SSS stroke
100 + 200 + 300 swim without equipment
200 back + 2 x 25 back + 200 back (“)
200 breast + 2 x 25 breast + 200 breast
200 free + 2 x 25 free
Leg stretching
Aerobic run 8 x in figure 8
Get a stretchie after second lap and pull on the stretchie at every corner of the lap.
Pull equipment SS Style
6 times clockwise
6 x counter clockwise
6 x triangle, from corner to corner in diagonal, then the other two sides going either left or right
swim 5 x 100 @ 10 seconds rest
backstrokers did above backstroke
six people in attendance
300 Kick
300 Pull
2 min on, 1 min off
3 min on, 1 min off
4 min on, 1 min off
5 min on, 1 min off
3 min on, 1 min off
1 min on
Monday, Meet against Franklin Regional
We set 5 school records, great meet.
Stretchie arm exercises, leader is the coach.
Jump in water for 15 min. of running in all different styles
Run around the shallow end with the backstroke flags as the split in the middle.
Styles include: chin underwater, backwards hop, mule kick backwards, dolphin style, touch bottom of pool with hands and hop backwards, sideways shuffle.
#1-5 choice
#6-10 catch-up + thumb on head for 25 + 25 choice
#11-15 fists and cross-over-touch-back + 25 choice
#16-20 head up & finish up + 25 choice
#21-25 turnover tempo for 10 strokes, 10 fast kicks, chicken stroke for the rest of the length + 25 choice
#26-30 25 IM + 25 choice
25 with feet on board and kick with arms
Kick 4 x 25 chin-up on coaches sendoff
25 swim down with pulling equipment
first set do 3 press-ups between hard swims
second set do 3 stretchies between swims
third set do either press-ups or stretchies between swims
Easy stretchie
Up to bleachers for mental rehearsal
get mind to turn off all the noise
get a blank mind that focuses on breathing
get ready for peak performance, like an actor
Pull 400
4 x (30 widths of each stroke)
done in groups of 3 or 4 people.
first person leaves when last person finishes
second person leaves when first crosses into lane 2 or 5
no break between strokes
1 min on + 1 min rest
5 min. on + 1 min rest
1 min on
other groups did jump off of diving boards to catch a pull-buoy from a partner passing it from the side of the pool
Pull 200 right arm only
Pull 200 left arm only
Pull 200 right arm for 3 pulls, left arm for 3 pulls, both arms for 3 pulls, etc.
6 x 25 @ :20
easy stretching,
stretchie routine
milk jugs for 10 reps
Held a team meeting with girls swimming at WPIALs to talk about the line-up, relays and event selection.
Meeting lasted an hour.
Pull, Kick, Stroke by sets of th
Pull 300 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Pull 200 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Pull 100 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Kick 400 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Kick 300 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Kick 200 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Kick 100 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Stroke or IM 400 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Stroke or IM300 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Stroke or IM200 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Stroke or IM100 + 4 x 25 @ :20
Attach three swim belts to one swimmer and tie them up to the door handle of the locker room. Swimmer goes as far as possible without going backwards. Swimmers can go from the push off just about a half a body length past the flags. Most swimmers stop moving forward after 10 strokes.
Susan ran practice, Mark Stayed home
Parents worked on record board
18 x 150 on 2:30
#1 = Swim, Kick by 25’s
#2 = IM skipping one stroke of your choice
#3 = Pull with breathing every 5
25 x 25 @ :25 break after every 5
Easy 400 swim down
Swim 6 x 100 @ 2:00
Odd # = Scull 25 + swim 50 + finish-up 25
Even # = Reverse 25 + swim 50 + finish up
Kick 6 x 100 on 2:05
Swim 12 x 25 @ :30 break at 8
Odd # = head high no breathers
Even # = head out of water and extra hard kick
2 x 100 Medley relays from a push-off
boys vs. the girls
strive to beat 50% of school records
2 x 100 free relays from a push-off
same as above
easy 200 back
Swimmers did 100 easy to get a feel for the belts
Swim 500 with belts
Swim 100 stroke
Have half of the team start at deep end and the other half of the team start at the wall in the shallow end so that the ropes do not get pulled all in the same direction at once.
Have the swimmers do flip turns and swim fast even though they get pulled underwater and away from the turns when the belt is fully extended.
When eating spaghetti, you keep on eating your bowl even though a piece gets on your face or on your shirt. Keep swimming when you get the tubing around your shoulder, arm or leg, it will shake off as it gets some tension and slide right off of you.
We took one belt, with a cloth type of rope and put it around one swimmer’s hand and held it under the water. The swimmer with then end went to the other end, while the swimmer wearing the belt stayed near the wall. One swimmer pulled the other to the wall while giveing speed assisted training for 2 x 25’s. Keep the belt under water the entire time. Pull in the swimmer at the end. Put the knot around the swimmer in the front.
200 back
200 kick
800 swim with paddles
8 x 50 with tether at the middle of the pool attached to the false start rope.
2 x 50 fast to feel for water after the tethered swimming
100 easy
100 for time in a race against another swimmer on the team
Warm up at meet included;
Plum 50
3 x (100, 75, 50, 25)
all coaches drills. The 50’s and 25’s were reverse circles.
On the last set, everyone had to switch lanes while doing the 25 and not end up in the same lane as the swimmer in front of him.
4 x 25 @ :20
choice time.
6 x 75 Drill/Choice/Drill by 25 and coach decides the drills
Drills included: Fists, Punch water fists, fast feet, fast hands, catch-up, head up, finish up, breast with fly kick, breast with knees together.
Take 2 min rest between each.
New Power Turn and Jump game:
Start with swimmer standing at the T in the shallow end facing the wall. Swimmer hops to wall at the end of the pool. Places two hands on the wall and does a powerful press up so that the swimmer exits the swim pool and is standing on the edge. Do not use the gutter, or touch the wall with arms or bottom.
Stand up on the wall in a streamline position, without jumping on a slippery deck. Be sure to sneak the hands up the body like the recovery on a flip turn or the underwater work on the breastroke. As you streamline or slightly before, swimmer must spin 190 degrees so the he or she is facing the water again. Bend over and touch the wall near your feel like a grab start. Jump into the water. Jump once or twice to reach the flags, Jump and touch the drooping flags. This should be able to be done in less than six seconds.
Easy 300 swim.
Swimmers could have been doing too much of that game and hurt their muscles if we went much longer.
Played the finish drill game two times. First time with hand touches and again with foot finishes.
easy 100
#2 hard kicking on last 75
max distance is 6 lengths. Race is over when partner is one body length ahead of the other person. The person getting beat has to stop the race. Very little rest between races (approx. 15 seconds.)
then Most of the guys exited the pool as they are about to end the season and need a bit of a taper.
12 x 50 @ 1:10 with first 25 easy pace, fast turn and fast 25 with a turn on the end.
Karin strived for 14.2 per 25 from foot to foot touches
Katie strived for 15.2 per 25 from hand to hand which includes a turn.
5 x 200 back with first 25 from a backstroke start with 25 yard swim fast + 250 drill + 25 swim fast backstroke again. @ 15 sec rest
#1 = right arm, #2 = left arm #3 = double arm, #4 = kick #5 = swim
25 reps with jugs
Partner leg stretching
Hold feet down, heel in bum, hamstring.
5 x 50 @ 1min backstroke
5 x 50 @ :40
5 x 50 @ 1 min. double arm back or breast with fly kick
5 x 50 @ :37
Worked on breastroke with fly up kick
5 x 50 @ :35
Worked some more on fly with up kick
did 5 x 50 with first 25 swim fly and second 25 swim breast with up kick
5 x 50 with fly up kick on first 25 + regular breast with good hips on second 25.
easy 300 choice, working breast if feeling good
Team talk about excellence and body position
3 x 25 @ 1 min from a dive
3 x 100 @ 1:30
3 x 25 @ 1 min from a dive
3 x 100 @ 1:20
easy 75 swim down
3 x 100 @ 1:15 with #1 from a dive
swim down
swim 200 choice
20 x 25 fly
20 x 25 choice
Boys shaved if they did not make WPIALs
John Hadeen made WPIALs in 100 back
Tuesday, Meet against Kiski Area. Senior Night
Easy swim practice after two days of meets.
Started with 20 minutes aerobic runs in the shallow end. Did running, giant steps, dolphin swims, one-leg hops backwards, mule-kicks, used the stretchie in the water to do lateral steps and lateral arm movements at the same time, used the stretchie to do cross-over steps and touch the bottom with one hand between feet and the other hand is reaching out of the water into the air against the stretchie.
#1 swim free breathing every 5th
#2 pull buoy free
#3 swim with pads
#4 swim stroke
#5 swim 100 IMs without a break
Did a ton of breath control this day.
Swim 3 x 300’s.
#1 breathing Plum Style
#2 breathing every 5
#3 breathing every 6
4 x (4 x widths) breathing 4,3,2,1 by widths
2 x (4 widths) with running dive, breathing 3,2,1,0 by widths
easy swim down
Easy 300 stroke drills, catch-up and finish up together
swim 6 x 100’s with no breathing in the blue zones, Plum Style, and no breathing the last 20 feet from the finish.
Started with lane line in the middle of the pool and no other lane lines on that side of the pool. Swimmers get a hold feet slightly over the edge of the lane line. Swimmer then swims to the finish wall at the side of the pool with 10 turnover tempo strokes and fast times tothe end of the wall. Swimmer holding the feet let go of the swimmer after they have done the 10 turn over temp races, then the swimmer goes to the wall fast. Most swimmers were under 7 seconds on this drill.
** I feel it is important to swim with a ton of swimmers in one lane as the warm-ups at states and WPIALs will be crowded. Swimmers have to get the experience of being crowded and jamed, and still being able to warm-up.
Used a group of swimmers to propel another swimmer from behind the backstroke flags into the wall to do a flip turn. Call it a catapult drill.
Used the lifeguard chair in the water to dive off of to do a flip turn at fast pace after taking one, two or three strokes. The coaches used a stop watch to time the swimmer so that they were able to get time from when the swimmer’s head passed under the flags until they returned back to the flags. Swimmers who did under six seconds or better were strongly encouraged. Fastest time was 5.10.
100 fast, 75 fast, 50 fast, 25 fast, 25 faster, 50 faster, 75 faster, 100 fastest, all on 10 seconds rest.
Wanted this to be a lactate tolerance set. I wanted to do it more frequently, but we were running out of time. Wanted to do more no breathing at the start.
swim down
easy 300 kick on your back, any stroke
leg stretches in the water, heel in bum and hamstring with heel in gutter.
300 catch-up, finish-up, Plum style
swim 6 x 50 @ :45 - pace warm-up - no breath at finish 20 feet.
swim on belts.
did 12 x widths across the pool going fast both directions
After belts swim easy 200 to get a feel for the water
Swim 4 x 20 yards, (widths) fast
Swim down
800 Kick, alternate 100 with board + 100 without board
100 fast fly
400 Pull with PB and straps, SSS
100 fast fly
400 Swim with Pads
100 fast fly
100 fast back with tennis balls in hands
400 Pull with PB and straps, SSS
100 fast back with tennis balls in hands
400 Swim with Pads
100 fast back with tennis balls in hands
100 fast breast with strap around knees
400 Pull with PB and straps, SSS
100 fast breast with strap around knees
400 Swim with Pads
100 fast breast with strap around knees
Long team meeting about taper and WPIALs
Explained the agony of swimming in a taper and the speed.
It hurts to swim fast. Count on it.
Legs will drop off, and that is OK
Talked about the morning of the meet, eating at home and again at Mark’s before the meet. Talked about the wake-up swim at the Plum pool and at Pitt.
Talked about the excitement and to expect the bizarre.
Talked about the point issue, but the main focus has to be to get ready to swim your events.
Talked about swimming one event at a time, operating in the present - here and now. Forget the results of past events and go ahead to the next one. Don’t dewell on the past. Don’t even think about making it to States, that is the future.
Talked about having a period in the taper, if not the whole time, when you are feeling like “crap.” This proved to be true when Karin Painter just could not go fast in the PlusePlots on the next day.
Talked about having ice cream days for sprinters. And about having days off in the taper. Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday. Take a long walk on Tuesday.
15 milk jugs on arm swing routine, with light jugs before meeting.
400 Kick with dolphin style in shallow end
3 x (150 + 100 + 50) on Coaches easy send off
Did some choice and drills.
Tried a new drill, finish up between the legs and finish up on the opposite side of the body.
Did eyes out of the water drill. Did thumb in arm pit with the thumb touching arm pit when arm pit is in the air, to get good rolling action in the strokes.
First set did half the first length at 80% and the last half at 100%.
Second set did last half at 100% and first half at 80%.
Third set did turnover temp to DPS.
Fourth set did fast shoulders.
easy swim down.
After the team played some sharks and minnows without my approval.
12 milk jugs
leg stretching
Then we did a relaxation exercise for about 40 minutes. The swimmers were to think about nothing.
Relaxation technique with contraction and then relax. Different body parts.
Told the swimmers to do this on their own, for body parts that were tight.
Told the swimmers to go to different parts of the world, exotic beach, base of a mountain the the Himalayas, etc. and meditate, like the group of people who focus only on their shadow for hours on end. This makes the event we are doing seem so small.
Mind control is a strong advantage that we will all be using.
Plum 50
400 swim, 400 kick, 400 pull,
200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull,
100 swim, 100 kick, 100 pull
50 swim, 50 kick, 50 pull
relay takeoffs.
swim down
Tuesday, No swimming at Plum
JCCS swimmers, Karen and Erica and Jim went there
Pitt swimmers, Nikki, and Susan went there
talked about the day of WPIALs
open pool at 7:00 am
Warm-up for 20 to 40 minutes
Save for 0 to 60 minutes as some will shave the night before.
Get on the bus at 8:30 am.
Go to Mark’s at 9:00 am or 9:15 at the latest.
Eat and relax here until 10:30
Leave here at 10:40 to arrive at Pitt at 10:50
Enter water by 11:10
Warm-up for 30 minutes to 11:40
Start meet at 12:00
Turned in homework, but some did a half-way job.
Did 10 arm swings and walked around the pool 5 x at same time.
started with 400 swim all in the same lane.
10 x 150 with middle 50 as 25 scull + 25 drill. All choice
10 x 25 on :40
#1-3 last third hard, other 2 thirds like 200 race pace.
#4-6 middle third hard, other 2 thirds like 200 race pace.
$7-10 first third hard, other 2 thirds like 200 race pace.
Swim down is 200 to 500 yards.
Jim did 4 x 500s as extra to keep strong until states.
Held a team meeting in bleachers and Mary Lee, Mark’s sister, a Medical Doctor, joined the team for discussions.
Talked about how many times she swam in WPIAL meet, if she remembered her times, and that we will all forget the event, even though today it seems like it is the biggest thing in the world. You will recall being there, and that is the important thing. Have fun, be loose, live in the here and now.
The #1 thing that I want us all to do at WPIALs, all day long is to stay together. Sit together, avoid food, have others visit us at our place. Stay off your feet. Go from one event to the next, not staying with one past the swim and swim down.
At WPIALs, with my first year as coach, I do not want to over-coach. I will give you a couple of simple things to do, but I will not unload any long, drawn-out race strategy. Most of the time I’ll say something like, swim in the middle of your lane. Or, go fast, and when it starts to hurt, make that a sign that you are swimming fast. It is going to hurt a lot. The pain will go away in due time as you look at your time and see the improvements.
The at practice I pulled out a big box of chocolate chip cookies and some frozen Yogart in a paper cup and plastic spoons, and some grape drink. The team had a little socal there in the stands.
Jim R. and Mary Lee went down to warm-up for the pending meet.
After a break with the food, the swimmers went down to the pool deck and had a 25 minute warm-up, on your own like at a meet. Suggested activities are 400, 4 x 100, 4 x 50’s.
Jim did a set of 4 x 50’s fly on 50.
We all visualized what it would be like at the meet. We did little swim downs after events. We cheered for one another.
WPIAL swim day
Swimmers were to get up early and eat a large breakfast at home.
Pool opened at 7:00 am. Swimmers were to arrive any time after that an do the following set among whatever else they wanted.
6 x 100’s changing stroke every 25 yards.
6 x 25’s Kick fast on :30
6 x 25’s Pull fast on :30
Went to Mark’s house at 108 S. 12th for a breakfast feast. The food was great.
Left Mark’s at 10:40 am and went to the Pitt Pool.
400 easy. 4 x 50’s drill down swim back..6 x 25’s with dive at the starting blocks and quick start at the other end
8 x 1000’s or 800’s
#2 = Pull free with scull every 4th 25 yards
#3 = Paddles with zig-zag (7) every 4th 25 yards
#4 = continuous 100 IMs
#5 = Best Stroke/Free alternate by 50 yards
#6 = DPS 12 and kick to wall
#7 = Kick on back and side without board
#8 = Kick with board with fins
800 with fins kick
swim 2 x 400 IM #1 with fins #2 without fins
800 with paddles
5 x 5 min on and one minute off
30 x 25 fly @ :40 without break
200 warm-down
2 laps outside around the track. The weather has been great.
800 easy
3 x 300’s Pull plum style head to toe no breath in blue zones
3 x 100’s pull on 1:25/Jim 4 x 100 @ 1:15
Kick 3 x 300’s same stroke on :30 RI
kick 3 x 100’s on 1:50 / Jim did 4 x 100 Kick @ 1:40
Jim did 75 fly, 25 back, 25 breast, 75 free
Karen V did 25 fly, 75 back, 25 breast, 50 free, 25 fly
Katie did 75 fly, 25 easy free, 25 fly, 25 free, 25 fly, 25 fr.
Karin P and Erica did all free, easy/fast.
Susan did 25 fly, 25 back, 75 breast, 75 free
finished with 2 relay takeoffs
Also did some stretchie for stretching
3 x (100 IM + 50 IM + 25 IM on :05 seconds rest)
6 x 25’s no breath
Half of them were underwater breast for IMers
Next, Jim put on 3 belts and went for 15 seconds full blast and 15 seconds rest.
Next each swimmer did an easy 100
Then each swimmer did 4 x 25’s with speed assisted swimming.
3 laps outside around the track
#1 walk
#2 skip
#3 jog
Milk jug arm swing routine 6 reps with half water
Tossing milk jugs with 6 swimmers over backstroke flags
tossed two hands over head
tossed one hand like a shot put
tossed backwards two hands over head with jump into water at same time as the throw
tossed like freestyle finish with right-arm-forward and touch the wall and jump into the water
tossed like a backstroke finish
then we broke the jugs and crushed them and put the in the trash
500, 400, 300, 200, 100 choice, but the entire distance of each needs to be the same style, s,k,p,drill or stroke
did a 50 swim down between each one and took about 2 - 3 minutes rest between.
#1 straight away (girls do between 4:40 and 4:20)
#2 broken at mid-point for 10 seconds
#3 broken twice, with 2 x 100’s at the end
#4 broken at each 100 for 10 seconds
#1 turnover temp at start
#2 turnover tempo at finish of length
#3 fast feet and arms at 50%
#4 no breath from a dive
Jim slow pause before flipping on free turn
Susan slow to bring feet to wall on breast turn and weak on breast underwater kick on pull-out
Karin P. needs to extend push-off and stay on side
Katie needs to stay on side on wall as fly turn turns
Karen V needs to work on head in all streamlines
Attendance was for Jim and Katie only
6 x 200’s @ :30 rest
first 50 = right arm
second 50 = left arm
thrid 50 = 3 pulls right arm + 3 pulls left
fourth 50 = reverse style swim
8 x 100’s breast @ 2:00
dive at the start and do a double underwater pull
Kick the third 25 on back for even #s and on stomach for odd#s
last 25 is with a fly up kick
12 x 50’s fly on 1:15
all from a dive with high hips and faster turnover.
4 x 100 @ 1:50
4 x 75 @ 1:20
4 x 50 @ :50 took a 1 minute break
4 x 25 @ :20
#1 = turnover temp for the first half
#2 = turnover temp for the second half
#3 = DPS, long and strong
Race and finish game with belts on.
started 1 meter from wall
then raced again and again at different distances
raced across the width of the pool with belts
total races = approx. 12