Learning site with an abundance of wisdom that can transform your coaching. Your journey and quest for swimming knowledge speeds to the fast lane when you become a member of the International Swim Coaches and get access to the Global Library for ISCA Members.


Pool Primer (course) splash image

Pool Primer

Prepare your little one for pool fun and swim lessons with Pool Primer!
This engaging course teaches essential pool rules, safety tips, and what to expect.
Through visuals, activities, and simple explanations, toddlers learn about walking safely, staying with a grown-up, and basic water skills.
Build confidence and excitement for a positive and safe pool experience!

Splash for U CAN Artistic Swim

U CAN Artistic Swim

Artistic Swimming, formerly called Synchronized Swimming, is a strenuous sport, that requires strength, stamina, fitness, timing, beauty and of course, great swim skills. Skills are developed in the course of participation. Rookies welcome.

Creative Programming splash

Creative Programming with 99 Special Events Tips for Summer Pool Managers & Country Clubs

Assessors' Toolbox splash screen as part of U CAN Swim

Assessors’ Toolbox

This course provides swimming instructors, supervisors and managers with the skills to effectively evaluate, monitor, and communicate with instructors, tutors and assistant coaches in order to ensure high quality swimming lessons and aquatic programs are delivered. Instructor competence, lesson assessment, progress tracking, communication, and administration, supervisors gain a system-wide review of the tools to standardize and enhance swimming instruction across the organization. The course covers observation techniques, providing constructive feedback, testing swim levels, managing students of different abilities, communicating with stakeholders, documentation best practices, and strategies for ongoing instructor development. Learn practical methods for assessing instructors, lessons, and student advancement in order to maintain excellent swimming instruction within the U CAN Swim network.

U CAN Swim Fast splash screen

U CAN Swim Fast

The U CAN Swim Fast course is far more technical than the levels of Dolphins, Super Dolphins and Stages. The course can bridge youngsters to head for the competitive, age group swim team. And, the course can help swimmers already on the team sharpen all of their skills -- as there are 105 in the skills checklist for this course.

Crunches - splash

Get Your Feet Wet – Exercises

New. Get basic weight training knowledge that will improve your awareness of physical fitness, personal health, conditioning and strength training. Each exercise includes a video that explains what to do and what not to do.

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U CAN Yoga

Introductory Price now in effect. Get more than 10 text-based lessons and more than 10 video routines. Each video routine plays for around 20-minutes. Project the routine for a team or class to follow. Or, with self-study, learn to do the routine and lead it for others.

U CAN Teach logo

U CAN Teach

U CAN Teach is for anyone who teaches or wants to teach swimming. It's a terrific resource for those who want to obtain certification from Swimming/ Natation Canada (SNC).

Aquatics for Life

Aquatics for Life

Aquatics for Life is a course for adults as part of the series called Lifespan Aquatics Programming.

Bob Steele video

Bob Steele’s Open Course for Swimming Coaches

Coach Bob Steele, now retired from day-to-day coaching, was an inductee into the International Swimming Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2022. Here are some of his videos.

Upgrade Course splash


The Upgrade Course is for those who already have or have had certifications in the past from CurrentWave, Royal Life, Red Cross, ISCA or other recognized entity.

pull your own weight icon

Pull Your Own Weight

Functional Fitness Philosophy with How-To Advice.

Volleyball photo, blue and white

Coaching Volleyball

Volleyball, a world-wide sports, happens in school and at the beach.

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